Big Day for the President’s Book Club!


Today is the big day!

Both Stormy Daniel’s book Full Disclosure and The Apprentice by Greg Miller are released today!

I fully expect a twitter tantrum form Trump & Gang once the books actually make it into the news cycle and people start gossiping about the most sensational bits.

Lies, losers, you know… that sort of tantrum…

Anyways, Full Disclosure seems to be getting nice reviews…

Boring stories don’t make for good memoirs; you might not agree with her unconventional lifestyle choices, but they sure do make for an interesting book.

Like many, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect when I pre-ordered this memoir. A hit piece on trump? A slimy recollection of creepy cheeto experiences?

Not so.

Stormy details the quirky and sometimes upsetting details of her childhood, on through her debut in the business, and follows up with the ups and downs of life on the edge. If you are looking for a hit piece on the president, you wont find it here; Trump doesnt even appear until almost 50% of the way in.

Stormy’s career choices make her memoir all the more interesting, *not* undignified. Any time someone is willing to question the straight and narrow paths most of our parents want us to take, I’m reeled in. Full Disclosure is no exception.

Full Disclosure is all about living, not “existing” in a life devoid of exciting (for better and for worse) experiences. If you’re easily offended or aren’t willing to respect her story as a human being, it definitely isn’t for you.

I frankly don’t plan on wasting my life reading either book but I ain’t gonna complain if you do.

Have fun everyone.

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