Shark Week: Alien Sharks

Alien Sharks, just like last year, seems to be the only show during Shark Week that isn’t super dramatic and is actually about Sharks.

So if you have Alien Sharks recorded on your DVR, grab a KitKat, and watch it. So many pretty sharks. So short of a show. But….. Frilled Sharks… Megamouths…

Summer television binge

Since it’s summer what’s better than binge watching some TV shows? I try to stay up to date with television shows so I decided to write a short list of shows that anyone could enjoy. The majority of these shows will be on Netflix but you could find alternative ways to watching them. Hope you enjoy and happy watching!

– Game of Thrones
– The Wire
– Breaking Bad (on Netflix)
– House of Cards (on Netflix)
– Arrested Development (on Netflix)
– Portlandia (on Netflix)
– The Inbetweeners (on Netflix)
– Peep Show (on Netflix)
– Top Gear (on Netflix)
– Parks and Recreation (on Netflix)
– The IT Crowd (on Netflix)
– Luther (on Netflix)
– Rake (on Netflix)
– 30 Rock (on Netflix)

Shark Week BS

From io9

Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week” is misleading the public again this year with several documentaries. So why are scientists allowing themselves to be featured in these pseudoscience disasters? There’s a simple reason: Shark Week producers have been lying to them.


Emphasis mine, and I’m pretty sure I’ve said this already… But Discovery’s deceptive practices are really beginning to bug me.
I thought last year’s poor behavior might have been a fluke…
But now it seem that this is now how they’re choosing to operate.

First Prime Time Show of Shark Week

Shark of Darkness: Submarine Returns

The first show of 2014’s shark week was a lot like 2013’s.

It starts out with a boat sinking. Over and over again you watch this boat sink. People scream. People are supposedly eaten by a “shark”.

Of course that shark isn’t real and all the footage is completely make believe.  Megalodon was a fake. The footage of Submarine was digitally created.

Once again Discovery has decided that a disclaimer in the beginning of the show that explains nothing is an appropriate way to display make believe shows that actively portray themselves as not make believe. You cannot even tell when they’re lying or when they’re actually trying to prove their point. Discovery didn’t bother to point out what was real evidence of Submarine and what was a mockup.

It’s like the Discovery Channel got stuck in the 80’s, with their obsession with sharks killing humans…

I’m sorry Discovery Channel, but our generation seem to have outgrown you.

We want to learn about sharks, see their beauty, see things we’ve never seen before… Not obsess over the remote possibility of being attacked by a shark.

It was just… so crappy I don’t even know what to tell you folks.