Ummmmm… seriously? Steve Irwin?

So over at some random website, they made some terrible terrible listicle clickbait.

10 Celebs You Didn’t Know Were Australian

Number 7: Steve Irwin

Because two entire generations of children didn’t grow up watching Steve Irwin AT A ZOO IN AUSTRALIA.
Steve Irwin though…
Remember all the beautiful things Steve Irwin showed us.
Remember the passion for animals he had.
Remember how you went from being scared of a snake to understanding that it just wants to be left alone.
Remember, respect the life around you.
And remember somebody who helped you learn that respect.

The Dark One Being all Defensive and Shit

Fool! I have never been bound!
I stood at Lews Therin’s shoulder when he did the deed that named him.
It was I who told him to kill his wife and his children and all his blood.
And every living person who loved him or whom he loved.
It was I who gave him the moment of sanity to know what he had done.

– Ba’alzamon, jackass, Eye of the World