Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet-Surging Sparks 3 Booster Packs & Zapdos Promo Card

Surging Sparks 3 Pack Blisters Sell Out in 4 Hours

The PokemonCenter.com just posted two different Surging Sparks 3 Pack Blisters and they sold out in 4 hours! That’s not as fast as Prismatic Evolutions products have been selling out but it’s still pretty fast! It’s fast enough that your average person is not going to be able to get product at MSRP unless Target and Walmart end up with a good amount of inventory.

Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet-Surging Sparks 3 Booster Packs & Quagsire Promo Card

You can find the blister packs here: Scarlet & Violet-Surging Sparks 3 Booster Packs & Zapdos Promo Card and Scarlet & Violet-Surging Sparks 3 Booster Packs & Quagsire Promo Card

But anyway, your average person is at work and surfing PokemonCenter.com on your work computer or phone is not the best idea ever. I mean you have nosy coworkers and nosy bosses… You don’t need people up in your business. Which means you basically have to hide in the bathroom and hope that there’s still product available lol

And that is frustrating. I feel that everyone should have the opportunity to buy Pokemon products at MSRP or hopefully less than MSRP. Having scalpers and hoarders in the hobby is helping no one. We are talking about pieces of carboard after all, not gold coins… it shouldn’t be that serious.

But that’s where we are. We have investors, hoarders, and scalpers. All different kinds of people with different aims. But all having an effect on the Pokemon hobby. More cash than is healthy is getting spent on Pokemon products and people are basically gambling with cash that they can’t afford to gamble with.

Hype is tricking people into ordering 50 Surging Sparks Elite Trainer Boxes, spending $2500 in the process. And Surging Sparks is not that great of a set so I have no idea what people are doing. I think the term “over consumption” may fit what we’re all doing in the Pokemon hobby.

Anyway, I hope y’all get some Surging Sparks at MSRP and some Prismatic Evolutions pre orders in!