Will There Ever Be a Reprint of Second Generation Pokemon?

Will there ever be a reprint of second generation Pokemon?


We are getting a reprint of Team Rocket in The Glory of Team Rocket set that’s due in 2025 and we did get a reprint of first generation Pokemon in the form of SV 151… so why wouldn’t we get a reprint of second generation Pokemon? It’s a matter of time I think. We’re probably talking 2026 rather than 2025 but at some point The Pokemon Company International is going to run low on ideas for Pokemon. They can’t keep using first generation Pokemon to pad sets out, so they’re going to have to use second generation Pokemon to make up one of their sets.

The demand for a reprint of second generation Pokemon is huge. People continue to mention it year after year. You can find reddit posts from like 2014 asking about getting a reprint.

Modern cards just don’t hit collectors and players the same as second generation Pokemon. Second generation Pokemon have almost this reputation of being first generation… but improved. They’re the actual A team, while first generation Pokemon are the B team.


And you know, SV 151 has been wildly successful. Once you see that success, if you were The Pokemon Company International wouldn’t you want to replicate that success? Wouldn’t a reprint of second generation Pokemon make the most sense to replicate success?

I do think that if a reprint of second generation Pokemon came out it would be the biggest hit of all time for The Pokemon Company International. I think the hype and sales would surpass 151, Prismatic Evolutions, and The Glory of Team Rocket. The price of second generation reprint products would skyrocket the second they came out. Scalpers and hoarders would be getting into fist fights at Costco and really any store that carried even the smallest amount of product. Second generation Pokemon really are better than modern Pokemon… there’s a nostalgia to them that can’t be replicated.

Second generation Pokemon are going to get reprinted as a set like SV 151. It’s just a matter of time.