Brave and the Basic Attention Token

dumb tech ideas are dumb tech ideas…


Do you remember Artland?


Probably not.


Because you, a busy person with oodles of things to do, do not have the time to waste on idealistic and unhelpful technology.


Well here’s another thing for you to not waste your time on!


The Basic Attention Token has arrived!!! BAT! (wait that can’t be right… since BATS is a financial firm owned by CBOE… and generally big companies don’t like people using a confusingly similar name to their own… hmm…)


Proving that there is no realm of reality that intellectually isolated technology people of the world won’t throw the latest fad at!

Brave, the blockchain-based browser initiative that raised $35 million in an ICO earlier this year, is making its first major move to build an ecosystem that rewards publishers in a new kind of way.

One of the selling points of Brave is that it uses its token (BAT, Basic Attention Token) to disrupt the current financial norms of online publishing. The company wants to reward users for browsing the web, while also helping to make advertising less intrusive and more relevant. In another important focus, it wants to use BAT to let readers reward content makers whose websites they visit.



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People have been trying to make a system where people, viewers, actively reward content creators and in exchange see fewer to no ads.

Over and over some company goes “our approach will be so different and wonderful!!!

The general idea, regardless of how companies say their implementation will magically change things, has yet to work.

Because people continue to misunderstand the fundamental issues.


The real issues are found in culture, income levels, and a misunderstanding of value. In other words, systemic issues are leading content creators to be starved of funds.


No app is ever going to solve those problems.

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