Need a more capable webcam for streaming?

lol good luck with that…


Are you a live streamer who is frustrated by the current crop of webcams and is looking for a new one that will finally meet your needs!?!? 

Well I have the answer to all of your problems!

For three easy payments of $499.99 I’ll share my 50 secrets of success with you!

Just kidding. You’re mildly screwed. Essentially, the only two new consumer oriented webcams that are coming out… are actually the same thing… well almost.


The brand new Logitech Brio and Logitech 4K Pro webcam sport almost completely identical specifications.

The only difference I can find is the cable.

The Brio webcam uses a USB 3.0 cable with Type A connector while the 4K Pro webcam uses a USB 3.0 cable (compatible with USB 2.0 and Type-C).

Tell me the difference…

Both webcams offer the same infrared sensing tech, the same 4K video spec, and the exact same form factor as well as (presumably) lens.

Thankfully they both sport the same $199 price… it isn’t some kind of blatant exploitative re-branding of an identical product.


But yeah… it’s an improvement… but not a big one. So I’m sorry streamers and performers but you’re not going to get any cool, super capable, technology anytime soon. Y’all gonna have to continue finding creative solutions.