Dolphins, dolphins, dolphins…

Graphic warning/Spoiler Alert

So in RadioLabs latest episode, Hello, they tell some stories about dolphin research.
Now in the first story… well… wow…
So apparently this lady lived with a dolphin in an apartment as part of an “experiment” led by this guy who seemed to believe that humans and dolphins could probably talk with each other. She spent all this time trying to teach this dolphin to speak english.
And apparently the guy who started this experiment gave LSD to these dolphins at some point…
And the lady who lived with the dolphin in the apartment? Yeah apparently she jerked that dolphin off…

The next story is definitely worth listening to and I don’t need to warn you about any human/dolphin sexuality issues……


Robin Williams News Roundup

Robin Williams Didn’t Have Financial Trouble: Publicist
The spokeswoman for Robin Williams’ family debunked widespread reports Wednesday that the comedian, who died Monday in a suspected suicide, had serious money troubles.

Death of Robin Williams Renews Suicide and Depression Awareness – KREX News Channel 5
Robin Williams Death Brings Awareness to Suicide Worldwide and at Home – WBOY-TV
Featured:Knowing risk factors and warning signs of suicide may save a life – TXK Today
Opinion: The details of Robin Williams’ death should not be covered up – Los Angeles Times
In Depth: Robin Williams: In Looking For Laughs, ‘You Have To Be Deeply Honest’ – NPR

I’d just like to say that the details of Robin William’s death are not particularly anybody’s business except for his friends and family.
He is also not some kind of martyr for mental illness.
Respect the man for what he did and who he was.
Not what you want him to be.