So what if Biden had picked John Oliver for a Cabinet position? Here we are, at the tail end of 2024, and Donald Trump is out here picking TV personalities for his cabinet. Which is pretty ridiculous on all fronts.
President Elect Donald Trump picking TV personalities is like if President Biden had selected John Oliver for one of his cabinet positions. I mean I like the guy, but can you imagine how bizarre that would be? He’d walk into Health and Human Services with no clue how anything works, get stopped by security because nobody knows why he’s there, and finally arrive at an office full of people who know vastly more than him and yet are waiting for his okay on everything.
I mean John Oliver would be a pretty great choice for a Cabinet position but that’s just because he’s unique. But the point is a TV personality would suck inside the bureaucracy and ultimately just be bizarre.
Can you imagine Republican’s reactions if President Biden were to select John Oliver for a cabinet position though? They’d be kicking and screaming, whining about how he’s just a TV show host. You know it’s true just like you know they are not going to have the same reservations when it comes to Donald Trump’s cabinet picks.
Republican Senators and House Reps seem to lack moral centers. I mean plenty of Democrats seem to as well but they’re not up to bat, it’s not their opportunity to show their characters. Republicans are going to have the opportunity shortly to be a good person and they are going to fail. TV hosts galore in the Trump Administration apparently!
Dr Oz though? I understand that he’s a doctor and people not only want to BELIEVE doctors are special and intelligent but they see what they want to see. Anyone who has had to spend a good amount of time with doctors knows they are very very fallible.
He might have a few ideas, but I’m guessing Dr Oz wouldn’t know how to implement them properly through government. Trump and Gang are fervent believers in the idea that it is bureaucrats that are stopping sweeping changes from being implemented, but at the root of it it is LAW that is stopping them from making the changes they want.
And those laws were put in place for a reason. The FDA and the Department of Education exist for a reason. And the thought that a cabinet level official can circumvent and discard laws they personally don’t like against the will of Congress is absurd.
Now we all know John Oliver would not just tear up policies he doesn’t like or fire people on the spot… but Trump and Gang will. Trump and Gang have no respect for the rule of law, they’ve made that abundantly clear. Dr Oz most likely doesn’t even know a good number of laws regarding health care in the United States exist and since he’s coming in with an anti government mindset he won’t know he’s violated the law until it’s too late. He should be thankful that Congress is Republican held because if it wasn’t he’d most likely end up investigated endlessly for various breeches of the law.
Frankly I don’t know what to say. Simulation theory would suggest that our timeline may have been altered to purposely make things Spicy. As in, Donald Trump was made to run and become President of the United States to alter the entirety of the simulation from its former course. A… uh… “fervent” Christian would actually say in essence the same thing. That God interfered and made Donald Trump President. It could be true. It’s almost comforting to think that the simulation, reality, could be altered to remove Trump just as fast as it was altered to put him in the Presidency. But this is a conception of the world not many literally prescribe to.
What happens next? Well President Elect Donald Trump will continue to surround himself with pretty women and celebrities. It feels like that’s the weird way in which he likes using his power. I guess he isn’t the first or the last. Donald Trump will continue to whip up MAGA hate mobs despite the fact that he’s won because he cannot control himself. Donald Trump will continue to threaten our democracy. Healthcare for 10’s of millions is up in the air.
Trump and Gang absolutely will deport a great number of people regardless of… anything. The Trump Administration absolutely will raise tariffs and cause severe economic disruption and hardship for tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of Americans. Congress is going off the rails and won’t stop Trump from getting his way whenever he wants. The entirety of the Federal Government is going to be an absolute shit show.
Where do we go from here? People have to fight on the streets and in the courts to maintain our laws and god given (simulation given?) rights. I never shut up so I have the writing end covered. Y’all need to figure out your end as inevitable crises come up.
Anyway John Oliver should’ve been part of the Biden Administration’s cabinet.