What’s Deanna Troi up to these days?


Deanna Troi (who was played by Marina Sirtis) is apparently out causing a ruckus on twitter!



I’d embed the tweets the White House dislikes but if you go look at her twitter I’m quite sure you’ll see the White House probably dislikes all of her tweets… there’s too many. I didn’t know she was so active on twitter…



But then again I highly doubt anybody (any of the “important” people) at the White House has ever watched Star Trek or even knows who she is… I’m sure Sarah Huckabee just dismissed her as “another crazy liberal” or some such and hit the block button.



Anyways, please remember that actors are in fact people… they are entitled to their opinion, they are allowed to express that opinion, and they are allowed to be something beyond your favorite character in a TV show.

You do not have to agree with them and you do not have to let an actor’s opinion get in the way of something you enjoy.

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