When Will Costcos in Canada Start Selling 151 Tin Boxes?

So when will Costcos in Canada start selling 151 tin boxes?


Not only have a couple of locations reportedly started selling the 151 mini tin boxes awhile ago it’s rumored that November 20th is the big day… Warehouses should start seeing the pallets show up. When they’ll hit the sales floor I’m not sure.

But let’s hope that when those mini tins do hit the sales floor people will behave themselves better than in the United States.

I’d also hope that Costco puts a maximum purchase amount on these things because scalpers and hoarders have been ruining the fun for everyone. That kind of behavior needs to be moderated. You can’t just have one person buying entire pallets like in the United States.

These mini tins make great holiday gifts and are an affordable way to get 151 booster packs so they will sell quickly no matter what. In the United States the math works out to something like $4 per booster pack which is less than what I paid when 151 first came out.

And this may be people’s last opportunity to acquire 151 product at all. It is not likely to get “reprinted”. What is likely is seeing one or two more products that have been in the works hit sales floors at various retailers. I wouldn’t be surprised if Target or Walmart had a special 151 collection coming to stores for the holidays.

So with that I’ll end by saying to all you Canadians out there… keep your eyes open these upcoming weeks!

Update – Canadian Costcos Start Putting 151 on the Floor

PSA : Canadian Costco Warehouses have begun receiving Pokemon 151 Mini Tins!
byu/goliathkw inPokeInvesting