You Aren’t Stupid For Believing Discovery

Months and months after The Cannibal in the Jungle aired, I am still pissed off.

Do you know why I’m pissed off?

I am pissed off because Discovery and Animal Planet are treating people like they’re stupid.

Discovery and Animal Planet both present their mockumentaries as completely real, they never give you any kind of upfront warning, and then they treat everybody like they’re idiots. The only mention they ever make is buried on their website. Not in the show, the website.

Well see the problem is most people watching their shows are not sitting there analysing them. They don’t go look stuff up beforehand on the Discovery website. So they never find out these shows are fake.

So you’re stupid.

And that just pisses me the hell off.


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You Aren’t Stupid For Believing Discovery by Jordan Wunderlich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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